Jiangsu Changbo Stainless Steel Co., Ltd.

Industry news

2023 national welded pipe market operation analysis and future market outlook

The slow recovery of the construction industry this year, coupled with the still complex and severe external environment, the spillover effect of policy withdra...
From the perspective of national welded pipe prices in the past four years, the starting point of welded pipe prices at the beginning of 2023 is significantly lower than the same period last year. On January 2, 2023, the average price of welded pipes in the country was 4,492 yuan/ton, down 677 yuan/ton year-on-year; As of June 7, 2023, the average price of welded pipes in 2023 was 4153 yuan/ton, down 1059 yuan/ton, or 20.32%. Since 2021, commodity prices have continued to run at high levels, PPI in major economies has repeatedly reached new highs, and higher prices of upstream products have continued to transmit to the middle and lower reaches. Beginning in June 2022, in the case of continued low demand for finished materials, raw material prices at home and abroad have fallen sharply, and the average price of steel pipes has also begun to move significantly lower. After several waves of rapid declines in raw material prices, The price of welded pipe this year is significantly lower than the same period last year. In the first quarter, under the better macro expectations, the downstream demand marginal improvement, the national welded pipe prices rose slightly, but with the traditional peak season demand failed, raw materials and finished materials prices began to fall, and the decline in prices did not increase the actual demand.

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