Jiangsu Changbo Stainless Steel Co., Ltd.

Industry news

Southwest construction steel prices are expected to hold steady in the morning

It is expected that today's southwest construction steel morning price or stable operation....
On the 16th, the black futures volatility became stronger, and the final ore 2309 contract closed at 815 yuan/ton, up 0.12%, and the rebar 2310 contract closed at 3799 yuan/ton, up 1.50%. The average price of major cities in the country is 3884 yuan/ton, up 24 yuan/ton from the previous working day, and the price of domestic leading cities is stronger, of which the Northeast three provinces rose 50 yuan/ton, the price of the country only fell slightly in Urumqi, the price of southwest Chengdu, Chongqing, Guiyang rose 20 yuan/ton, and the market price of Kunming was stable. On the whole, the phase screw and billet are running strongly, the steel mill actively increases the factory price, and the market trading atmosphere is OK, in addition, with the continuous reduction of market resources, the rebar group distance from resources is tight, and the price is sold in different degrees in various regions, and the overall price support is strong. With the advent of the off-season, consumption will decline, and high turnover is slightly weak. It is expected that today's southwest construction steel morning price or stable operation.

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