Jiangsu Changbo Stainless Steel Co., Ltd.

Industry news

Domestic construction steel market prices or will continue to decline

Spot market dynamics: 24, the average price of 20mm three-level seismic rebar steel in 31 major cities of the country 3735 yuan/ton, compared to the last tradin...

1, May 24, Tangshan Qian 'an green billet including tax down 80 to 3300 yuan/ton, Qinhuangdao Lulong area green billet including tax down 60 to 3320 yuan/ton.

2. Data from China Steel Association showed that in the middle of May, the daily production of crude steel in key steel enterprises was 2,245,500 tons, down 0.24% from the previous month; Steel stocks were 16.2646 million tons, down 7.65 percent from the previous ten days and 12.28 percent from the same ten days last month.

3. From May 15 to 21, the total area of new commercial housing in 10 key cities was 2,921,400 square meters, with a week-on-week growth of 5.1%. During the same period, the total area of second-hand houses in 10 key cities was 2,038,900 square meters, a slight increase of 0.3% on a week-on-week basis.

4. As announced in the previous notice, starting from the trading on May 26, 2023 (i.e. the evening trading on May 25), the intra-day trading fee for the current position of nickel futures NI2306, NI2307, NI2308 and NI2309 contracts will be adjusted to 18 yuan/lot.

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