Jiangsu Changbo Stainless Steel Co., Ltd.

Industry news

How to treat the copper surface?

Because of the characteristics of copper itself, it is very easy to rust in places where the environmental humidity is relatively large, and the problem will be...

1, the simplest way is to use copper cleaning agent, brass, copper, bronze, etc., can be used, like the surface of the oil, fingerprints, oxide layer, etc., can be cleaned with copper cleaning agent.

2, want to make the copper surface become bright again can be polished, the use of copper point solution polishing, not only can make the copper surface more bright, but also quickly remove the corrosion and oxidation layer on the copper surface, reduce the luster of copper itself.

3, and want to achieve a long-term does not appear in this situation, you can choose passivation treatment, so that not only how serious the surface of the copper, under normal circumstances can be handled clean, and after ultrasonic and soaking and other methods after treatment in the air for a year or more is no big problem, so this effect is still very good.

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